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SAP Crystal Reports Business Intelligence Software. Crystal Reports. Choose the 2. Licencing Option Best for You. Start Here SAP Crystal Server 2. Named User License NULIncludes SAP Crystal Reports 2. Includes SAP Crystal Dashboard Design 2. Includes SAP Crystal Server to enable secure, self service, interactive access to reports and dashboards. Sap Full Version' title='Sap Full Version' />Try SAP Crystal Reports 2. SAP SEPrivacy. Legal Disclosure. Copyright. Stay Connected. Buy Now. 1 Named User License NUL5 Concurrent Access Licenses CALNext Add More Users. Description of NUL here. Description of CAL here. Add. Add. Have Crystal Reports 2. The Crystal Solutions 2. Crystal Server. Crystal Dashboard. SAP Gold Partner providing SAP software and consulting services for implementations and support. SAP is the worlds leading provider of business software enterprise resource planning, business intelligence, and related applications and services. Now, more than ever, getting an accurate view of the data spread throughout your small or medium business is critical to staying competitive. Watch this video to better understand the SAP Crystal Solutions 2. Take control of complex data and give it meaning with SAP Crystal Dashboard Design. Turn raw data into sophisticated, interactive dashboards that will help you understand your data more quickly and thoroughly. Learn More. SAP Crystal Server Deliver reports, dashboards, and data discovery to your entire company. Ease the strain on IT resources and deliver reports, dashboards, and data discovery to anyone all within a managed, secure business intelligence BI server thats quick to deploy. Gma 945 Driver Windows 7. Learn More. Call us at 1 8. Questions Talk to an SAP representative. Contact Us. E mail us with comments, questions or feedback. Get In Touch. Button. Chat here. Visit this page, and click on chat now on right hand side. Free Trial. Offers. Customer reviews. Flexible report design. Create highly formatted, pixel perfect reports quickly with SAP Crystal Reports intuitive design interface and efficient workflows. Learn more about SAP Crystal Reports. SAP Crystal Reports software is the de facto standard in reporting. With SAP Crystal Reports, you can create powerful, richly formatted, dynamic reports from virtually any data source, delivered in dozens of formats, in up to 2. A robust production reporting tool, SAP Crystal Reports turns almost any data source into interactive, actionable information that can be accessed offline or online, from applications, portals and mobile devices. Sap Full Version' title='Sap Full Version' />Connect to information sources spread across the organization directly. Data sources include Native, ODBC, OLE DB, and JDBC connectivity to relational, OLAP, Web services, XML, enterprise data sources, and salesforce. See all data sources. Adobe Flex and Adobe Flash integration. Enable SAP Crystal Reports developers to produce powerful mash ups pulling data from various sources. Powerful delivery options. Deliver personalized reports to your business users preferred destination in their preferred language and format. When deployed through a platform such as Crystal Server, interactive reports are now available through your mobile devices. Expanded support for Microsoft Excel. XLSX export takes full advantage of the updated Excel file format by allowing more data to be exported to a single worksheet, without spanning multiple worksheets. Learn More. Crystal Reports 2. Supported Platforms. Read through the Crystal Reports 2. Mobile interactivity. Watch Demo Add to Cart Full Version. Add to Cart Upgrade. Use promo code 1. CRYSTAL at checkout. The leader in data reporting for over 2. Save 1. 0 on Crystal Reports 2. Looking to buy an older version Save 1. Crystal Reports 2. Crystal Reports XI Crystal Reports 2. Crystal Reports 2. Learn more. Offers. Deals save up to 2. Add to cart save 1. Buy older versions. Try Crystal Server instantly. Try the SAP Crystal Server guided demo. This demo requires no downloads, no installation, and is fully interactive. See how you can. Try Crystal Server instantly View interactive reports in your web browser. Schedule reports to deploy at any time. Personalize reports according to users needs. Provide instant mobile access to interactive reports. View interactive reports in your web browser. Schedule reports to deploy at any time. Personalize reports according to users needs. Provide instant mobile access to interactive reports. Questions about SAP S4. HANAAs they consider switching to the new SAP S4. HANA business suite, many customers are wondering how to make their move and when the right time will arrive. SAP S4. HANA expert Michael Sokollek is here to provide the answers. Why choose SAP HANA The main purpose of SAP HANA lies in executing all kinds of complex queries in the blink of an eye without aggregating and thus sacrificing data in advance. The in memory technology at its core makes it possible to analyze even the largest data volumes in a matter of seconds. To facilitate real time processing like this, SAP HANA takes advantage of the memory capacity and various caches provided by modern hardware. In fact, the technology has also influenced the development of new generations of CPUs. This is how SAP HANA tackles virtually every challenge users can throw at it in terms of data availability, consistency, and integrity while meeting all the requirements of Acid. World Wide Web Consortium, or W3. C. Additional resources 2. What are the advantages of an in memory platform In memory databases make it possible to process even the largest masses of data in short order. This alone is a significant advantage over previous technologies. Adobe Acrobat Xi Pro Patch Mpt. Meanwhile, in memory technology also opens the door to further options in developing innovative applications that offer practical business utility, including Integration of text, images, video, and various other data formats through virtual access without having to import the data into SAP HANA, real time transfer, time dependent integration, or data imports from Hadoop clusters. Application development directly on the platform without a separate application server. Functions that provide a foundation for further data processing, displaying data on maps based on SAP HANA geospatial engine, for instance. This enables customers to assemble application scenarios without additional hardware and software while avoiding data redundancy. Additional resources A platform for applications from both SAP and other providers. Business transformation with SAP HANAIT Simplification with the SAP HANA Platform brochureIT Simplification with the SAP HANA Platform infographicSAP HANA Customer Impact Map, which offers more than 1. IT simplification, performance enhancement, and lowering TCO with SAP HANA3. What is SAP S4. HANA SAP S4. HANA is a real time ERP suite for digital business. It is based entirely on the in memory SAP HANA platform, which facilitates a much simpler data model. Thanks to SAP Fiori, users enjoy the kind of personalized, role based interface theyve grown used to as consumers and increasingly expect in the business world, as well. Here, SAP S4. HANA avoids integration gaps in order to provide end to end process support. This means you no longer have to switch to a business warehouse to generate a report, for example, or complete steps manually outside of your SAP landscape. While SAP S4. HANA has been built from the ground up, it essentially provides the same functional scope as SAP ERP and is based on that applications data model, although in radically simplified form. As such, SAP S4. HANA is compatible with conventional SAP ERP systems and doesnt require a full scale greenfield reimplementation. With SAP S4. HANA Finance, customers have already been simplifying their financial and accounting activities since 2. SAP S4. HANA has been available as a standalone product since November 2. October 2. 01. 6. SAP has also plotted out a three year road map to solidify its plans regarding the suites ongoing development see question 7. Why move to SAP S4. HANA As the successor to SAP Business Suite, SAP S4. HANA makes in memory technology accessible to previous users of SAP ERP. To take advantage of the technical possibilities afforded by the SAP HANA in memory platform, SAP had to simplify the underlying data model and provide for new interfaces in order to streamline processes and ensure an intuitive user experience. Making adjustments of that scale to an already established application like SAP ERP would be simply impossible. Meanwhile, SAP S4. HANA leverages not only simple interfaces based on streamlined data structures, but the capabilities of its underlying platform, as well including full text search. This provides companies with a technical foundation for improving their current processes and defining new ones as a basis for new products, services, and brand new business models. SAP S4. HANA makes in memory technology accessible to SAP ERP users. Technical advancements like these can both radically simplify and enhance existing processes, as the following example illustrates. Whether as a hobby or a profession, anyone who wanted to share their own photos in the 1. It was an intricate and time consuming affair to say the least, and the only way to find out whether the results matched your expectations was to see it all the way through. Along with the Internet, modern smartphones and their built in high resolution cameras have changed all this not only by making the process faster, but also by reducing the entire underlying infrastructure. Furthermore, this example shows that speed alone isnt enough Unless the foundational architecture is simplified, the corresponding processes will also remain complex and unable to provide an environment in which creative solutions can be developed for the problems at hand. Put another way, existing ERP solutions including SAP ERP powered by SAP HANA represent nothing more than the conventional way to share photos by mail. SAP S4. HANA, on the other hand, offers the chance to do more than just accelerate such functions based on a new architecture, it provides for sweeping simplification and support for processes that were previously unavailable. How does SAP S4. HANA simplify the previous SAP Business Suite SAP S4. HANA simplifies various areas of SAP Business Suite in its existing form. User interface Moving from the transactional SAP GUI to the role based SAP Fiori has reduced the number of screens in the application, the need to switch between them, and the fields essential to each role and process. To see some examples, check out the following video series Eliminating the separation between OLTP and OLAP functions has made complex ERP analyses possible again. These analyses can serve as starting points for transactions, including in material planning If a given stock KPI falls below a certain threshold, for example, the system will report a shortage, enabling users to act immediately in response. SAP Fiori supports virtually any device including computers, tablets, and smartphones in order to offer end users the same user friendly interface and functions regardless of their preferred platform. Those familiar with the processes they need can essentially jump right into the software without any training. Function SAP follows the principle of one, which means that SAP S4. HANAs ERP system or an entire SAP system landscape offers a single solution for a given business requirement. In the past, SAP ERP contained multiple transactions for one particular business process. A number of solutions previously found within SAP ERP, including in e commerce, have also been replaced by SAP Hybris. Data model With SAP S4.