Hasbro Scrabble Dictionary 4Th Edition
Scrabble Vowel Heavy 7 and 8 Letter Words. When your Scrabble rack is filled with vowels, knowing these vowel heavy words seven and eight letters long can help turn your fortune around. All of the seven letter words include at least five vowels, and the eight letter words include at least six vowels. The definition is included in case your opponent challenges you. Included are words you can make by extending them in your current or future plays. Scrabble Words Vowel Heavy Seven Letters with Five Vowels. ABOULIA an absence of decisiveness or willpower. Tabtight professional, free when you need it, VPN service. Find new action figures, toys, bobbleheads, collectibles, products, merchandise and more at Entertainment Earth. Mint Condition Guaranteed. Shop nowExtend word ABOULIASACEQUIA an irrigation ditch. Extend word ACEQUIASAECIDIA plural of aecidium. AENEOUS bronze colored. AEOLIAN a landform shaped by the wind. AEONIAN an alternative spelling of eonian, meaning everlasting. AEROBIA aerobic organisms. ALIENEE a person to whom a property title is transferred. Extend word ALIENEESAMOEBAE the plural of amoeba, single celled organisms. ANAEMIA an alternative spelling of anemia. Extend word ANAEMIASAQUARIA plural of aquarium, a fish tank. AQUEOUS consisting mostly of water. AREOLAE plural of areola, a space between the veins in a leaf. AUREATE golden in color. AUREOLA the area of glow surrounding a bright object. Extend words AUREOLAS, AUREOLAEAUREOLE the outermost region of the suns atmosphere or to surround with a halo. Extend words AUREOLED, AUREOLESAURORAE plural of aurora, the rising light of morning. COUTEAU a knife. Extend word COUTEAUXEPINAOI plural of epinaos, a rear vestibule. EUCAINE a derivative of cocaine. Extend word EUCAINESEUGENIA a genus of flowering plants. Extend word EUGENIASEULOGIA form of the plural for eulogy, or holy bread, or a blessing. Extend words EULOGIAE, EULOGIASEUPNOEA normal breathing. Extend word EUPNOEASEVACUEE one who has been evacuated. Extend word EVACUEESEXUVIAE the skins discarded by various organisms when they molt. IPOMOEA a flowering plant. Extend word IPOMOEASMIAOUED a form of past tense for meow. NOUVEAU new, fashionable. OOGONIA plural of oogonium, the female sexual organ of some algae and fungi. OUABAIN a cardiac stimulant. Extend word OUABAINSOUGUIYA a unit of money in Mauritania. Bill Paxton Aliens Quotes Game Over. Extend word OUGUIYASROULEAU a roll of coins. Extend words ROULEAUS, ROULEAUXSEQUOIA a large evergreen tree. Extend word SEQUOIASTAENIAE plural of taenia, a tapeworm. URAEMIA alternate of uremia, a build up of waste products in the blood. Extend word URAEMIASZOOECIA plural of zooecium a sac secreted by an aquatic organism. Scrabble Words Vowel Heavy Eight Letters with Six Vowels. ABOIDEAU a type of dam. Extend words ABOIDEAUS, ABOIDEAUXAUREOLAE plural of aureola, a halo. Rio 2 Avi there. EPOPOEIA alternate of epopee, an epic poem. Extend word EPOPOEIASEULOGIAE plural of eulogia, holy bread. You might also want to learn Scrabbles legal two letter words and words with a Q but no U. Here are all of our Scrabble word lists, and some simple ways to improve your Scrabble play. NOTE These words are legal according to the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary, 4th Edition and verified with the Hasbro Merriam Webster Scrabble Dictionary online in November 2. They may not be legal if you use a different dictionary. The word list used in tournament games in the United States is known as the Official Tournament and Club Word List, created by the National Scrabble Association.