Nortel Norstar M7324 User Guide
Nortel Support Quick and Full User Guides for Nortel Phones. FAQs. Using your Voice Mail BoxMessage for you in your display will not go away. If Message for you in your display will not go away usually after listening to your voice mail messages, press Feature 6. After doing so, it will tell you which station telephone left a message. Pressing the Rls button will finally clear the message and return the time indicator to your display. Microsoft High-Speed Mpeg4 V2 Codec. Accessing your mailbox while away from the office. Nortel/{85AC526E-A01F-4700-80C2-5A31F5B7009C}-500x500.jpg' alt='Nortel Norstar M7324 User Guide' title='Nortel Norstar M7324 User Guide' />When you are away from the office, you can access Norstar Voice Mail using the dial pad of any tone dial telephone. To access your Personal Mailbox, press while your personal greeting plays. Enter your Personal Mailbox number and password combination and follow the voice prompts. Note After listening to your messages, the messages you do not delete are automatically saved. Initializing and opening your mailbox. Feature 9. 81 or press Open Mailbox button. Press 0. 00. 0 the default passwordOK or Enter your new password xxxxxxfrom 4 to 8 digits long that does not start with 0OK or Accept new password xxxxxx. OK or At the tone record your name in the Company Directory and your mailbox number. OK or to end your recording. Press OK or to accept the recording. To record your greeting. Feature 9. 81 or press Open Mailbox button. Password OK or Press Admin or 8. Greet or 2. Rec or 1 or Select or 2. Prime or 1 or Alt or 2. Voice Communications Inc. Since 1983 Last Modified 070114 0417 PM. The Nortel M7208 phone also known as Meridian Norstar M7208 Telephone comes in three colours and from commlinks it is fully refurbished with one years warrantee. Call. Sounds like you might have a Nortel 616 Key Switch Unit with a 4x8 software cartridge, supports 4 incoming lines and 8 extensions. There is also a variation of the. Nortel, Norstar, Meridian, 7316, 7310, 7324, Call Pilot, Repair, Service, Installation, Adds, Moves, Changes. Nortel Support user manuals for Nortel phones. Download the Nortel Desktop Assistant to create and print your own custom labels. Avaya-3905-Series-Digital-Deskphone-ufcomm.jpg' alt='Nortel Norstar M7324 User Guide' title='Nortel Norstar M7324 User Guide' />To record your greeting at the tone Yes or 1. Record your greeting. OK or to end your recording. Play or 1. Retry or 2. Press OK or to accept the greeting. Listening to your mailbox messages. Nortel-Meridian-M5216-Digital-Centrex-Phone-NT4x44-ash.jpg' alt='Nortel Norstar M7324 User Guide' title='Nortel Norstar M7324 User Guide' />Feature 9. Open Mailbox button. Password OK or Play or 2 new messageSaved or 6 saved messages1 or lt 1 time Backup 9 sec. Replay. 2 or Pause. EXL.jpg' alt='Nortel Norstar M7324 User Guide' title='Nortel Norstar M7324 User Guide' />Forward 9 sec. End of message. 4 Previous message. Copy send a copy of the message6 Next message. Envelope date and time of the message7. Save a message. 8 or Erase delete message currently played9 or Reply to a messageVolume control adjusts the volume Return to main menu. Leave a message. Feature 9. Leave Msg button. Enter the mailbox number or group list OK or Or press Dir or to use the Company Directory. At the tone record your message. OK or to end your message1 or Play. Retry. Send or to send to the message. Delivery options. Certified or 1. Urgent or 2. Private or 3. Time or 4 Voice mail only not the flashChanging your password. Feature 9. 81 or press Open Mailbox button. Enter your password and press OK or Press Admin or 8. Press Pswd or 4. Enter your new password. OK or Accept Yes or Changing your name in the Company Directory. Feature 9. 81. Enter your password. OK or Press Admin or 8. Press 1. At the tone, record your name and mailbox number. OK or Accept OK or Transfer to transfer calls to a mailboxDO NOT PRESS HOLDFeature 9. Enter the mailbox number using the dial pad onlyNOTE Press DIR or to use the Company Directory. Call forward to Norstar Voice mail. Feature 9. 84 to forward incoming calls to your mailboxTo cancel, press Feature 9. CANCEL or F4. For Flash press Feature 9. Press Feature 4 and enter the flash dn. To cancel press Feature 4 or cancelAdministrator Controls. Entering Administration. For the CICS and MICS 0x. Adobe Flashplayer 9 Rpm there. KSU control unit. Time change access code Feature 8 4 6 3 which is T I M E. Password is 2 3 6 4 6 which is A D M I N. To get out of programming, just press the release button RLS. Programming is easier using the M7. Use the dial pad to change to the appropriate date or time when required to do so. Press CHANGE if you need to change the Hour, or NEXT to continue. Press CHANGE if you need to change the Minutes, or NEXT to continue. Press CHANGE if you need to change the Year, or NEXT to continue. Press CHANGE if you need to change the Month, or NEXT to continue. Press CHANGE if you need to change the Day, or NEXT to continue. Then press release RLS or lift and return the handset when your done. Daylight Savings Time Only the hour needs to be changed for daylight savings time. Just press NEXT until you come to the Hour. Then change it. Press release RLS or lift and return the handset when your are done. For the 3. 08,6. 16 and 8. KSU control units. Administration access code Feature 2 3 6 4 6 which also is Feature A D M I N. If asked for a password enter the same 2 3 6 4 6. To get out of programming, just press the release button RLS. Programming is easier using the M7. Use the dial pad to change to the appropriate date or time when required to do so. When you have entered into the programming mode, just press the NEXT button until you see Time Date. Then press SHOW, then CHANGE. If you pass it, just press BACK. Press NEXT or CHANGE as required to change the time and date. Example To change the Time Date Press NEXT until you see Time Date, then SHOW. Press CHANGE if you need to change the Hour, or NEXT to continue. Press CHANGE if you need to change the Minutes, or NEXT to continue. Press CHANGE if you need to change the Year, or NEXT to continue. Press CHANGE if you need to change the Month, or NEXT to continue. Press CHANGE if you need to change the Day, or NEXT to continue. Then press release RLS or lift and return the handset when your done. Daylight Savings Time Only the hour needs to be changed for daylight savings time. Just press NEXT until you come to the Hour. Then change it. Press release RLS or lift and return the handset when your are done. Resetting Voicemail Administrator Password. Press Feature 9 8 5. Press 9. Display will prompt you to enter password Enter the password 7. Press OKDisplay will read. RESET PASSWORD YES NO Choose YESThe administrator password has been reset to the default as follows If you have two digit intercom numbers the default password is 1. If you have three digit intercom numbers, the default password is 1. If you have four digit intercom numbers, the default password is 1. NORTEL SUPPORT RESOURCESReferences Using your Norstar Mailbox Norstar Compatibility Matrix Norstar Feature Codes Norstar Feature Card. Overlay Programming Guide Norstar Feature List Explained. User Manuals M7. M7. M7. 32. T7. 20. 8 T7. Downloads Download the Nortel Desktop Assistant to create and print your own custom labels for Nortel T Series Phones. Download the Printable Overlay for T7. T7. 31. 7es. Download the Printable Overlay for M7. M7. 32. 4s. Call today for your free consultation.