Thrift Xml Serialization

Apparently theres this new distributed architecture thing called microservices out and about so last week I went ahead and read Martin Fowlers James Lewiss. In computing, Extensible Markup Language XML is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both humanreadable and. This is a comparison of data serialization formats, various ways to convert complex objects to sequences of bits. It does not include markup languages used. Spark SQL BYRans. Spark SQL SparkSpark 1. BYRans1 OverviewSpark SQLSparkSpark SQLData. FramesData. FramesSQL2 Data. Frames. Data. FrameData. FrameRPythondata frameData. FrameshiveSparkRDDData. Thrift Xml Serialization' title='Thrift Xml Serialization' />Thrift Xml SerializationFrameAPI4ScalaJavaPythonR2. SQLContextStarting Point SQLContextSpark SQLSQLContextSQLContextSpark. Contextval sc Spark. Context An existing Spark. Context. val sql. Context new org. A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries and software. Spark SQLSparkSpark SQLDataFramesDataFramesSQL. Welcome to the NetBeans Plugin Portal. Download, comment, and rate plugins provided by community members and thirdparty companies, or post your own. DubboNIO. SQLContextscJava. Spark. Context sc. An existing Java. Spark. Context. SQLContext sql. Context new org. SQLContextsc SQLContextHive. ContextSQLContextHive. ContextSQLContextSQLSQL 9. Hive. ContextSQLHive. SQLHive. SQLSQLHive. SQLHive. ContextHiveUDFHiveHiveSQLContextHiveSpark SQLSQLContextSQLContextHive. ContextContext. Hive. ContextHiveHive. ContextSparkHiveHive. ContextHiveSQLspark. SQLContextSpark SQLsqlHive. Contexthiveqlsql2. Data. FramesCreating Data. FramesSQLContextsparkApplicationRDDHiveJSONData. FramesJSONData. Frameval sc Spark. Context An existing Spark. Context. val sql. Context new org. SQLContextsc. Context. read. jsonexamplessrcmainresourcespeople. Displays the content of the Data. Frame to stdout. df. Java. Spark. Context sc. An existing Java. Spark. Context. SQLContext sql. Context new org. SQLContextsc. Data. Frame df sql. Context. Displays the content of the Data. Frame to stdout. df. Data. FrameData. Frame OperationsData. FramesScalaJavaPythonScalaJavaval sc Spark. Context An existing Spark. Context. val sql. Context new org. SQLContextsc. Create the Data. Frameval df sql. Context. read. jsonexamplessrcmainresourcespeople. Show the content of the Data. Frame. age name null Michael 3. Andy 1. 9 Justin Print the schema in a tree format. Schema. root age long nullable true name string nullable true Select only the name column. Michael Andy Justin Select everybody, but increment the age by 1. Michael null Andy 3. Justin 2. 0 Select people older than 2. Andy Count people by age. Byage. count. Java. Spark. Context sc An existing Spark. Context. SQLContext sql. Context new org. SQLContextsc. Create the Data. Frame. Data. Frame df sql. Context. read. jsonexamplessrcmainresourcespeople. Show the content of the Data. Frame. age name null Michael 3. Andy 1. 9 Justin Print the schema in a tree format. Schema. root age long nullable true name string nullable true Select only the name column. Michael Andy Justin Select everybody, but increment the age by 1. Michael null Andy 3. Justin 2. 0 Select people older than 2. Andy Count people by age. Byage. count. Data. Frame API API DocumentationData. Frameslibrarystringdate Data. Frame Function Reference2. SQLRunning SQL Queries ProgrammaticallySpark ApplicationSQLContextsqlSQLsqlData. Sketchup File Conversion. Frameval sql. Context. An existing SQLContextval df sql. Context. sqlSELECT FROM tableSQLContext sql. Context. An existing SQLContext. Data. Frame df sql. Context. sqlSELECT FROM table2. Data. FramesRDDsInteroperating with RDDsSpark SQLRDDsData. FramesRDDSchema. SchemaSchema. Spark SQLRDDSchemaSchema. SchemaInferring the Schema Using ReflectionSpark SQLJava. BeanRDDData. FrameBeanBeanSchemaSpark SQLSpark 1. Java. BeansListArraySerializablegetterssettersJava. Beancreate. Data. FrameJava. BeanClass objectSchemaRDDpublicstaticclass Person implements Serializable. String name. privateint age. String get. Name. NameString name. Age. Ageint age. this. Java. Spark. Context. SQLContext sql. Context new org. SQLContextsc. Load a text file and convert each line to a Java. Bean. Java. RDDlt Person people sc. Fileexamplessrcmainresourcespeople. Functionlt String, Person. Person callString line throws Exception. String parts line. Person person new. Person. person. Nameparts0. AgeInteger. parse. Intparts1. trim. Apply a schema to an RDD of Java. Beans and register it as a table. Data. Frame schema. People sql. Context. Data. Framepeople, Person. People. register. Temp. Tablepeople. SQL can be run over RDDs that have been registered as tables. Data. Frame teenagers sql. Context. sqlSELECT name FROM people WHERE age 1. AND age lt 1. The results of SQL queries are Data. Frames and support all the normal RDD operations. The columns of a row in the result can be accessed by ordinal. Listlt String teenager. Names teenagers. RDD. Functionlt Row, String. String callRow row. Name row. get. String0. SchemaProgrammatically Specifying the SchemaJava. BeanData. FrameRDDRowRDDRDDRowsStruct. TypeStruct. TypeRDDSchemaSQLContextcreate. Data. FrameData. FrameRDDSchemaimport org. Function Import factory methods provided by Data. Types. import org. Data. Types Import Struct. Type and Struct. Fieldimport org. Struct. Type import org. Struct. Field Import Row. Bmw Navigation Firmware Update V32. Row Import Row. Factory. Row. Factory sc is an existing Java. Spark. Context. SQLContext sql. Context new org. SQLContextsc. Load a text file and convert each line to a Java. Bean. Java. RDDlt String people sc. Fileexamplessrcmainresourcespeople. Ford Mustang Cobra 1994 Manual Pdf here. The schema is encoded in a string. String schema. String name age. Generate the schema based on the string of schema. Listlt Struct. Field fields new Array. Listlt Struct. Field. String field. Name schema. String. split. Data. Types. create. Struct. Fieldfield. Name, Data. Types. String. Type, true. Struct. Type schema Data. Types. create. Struct. Typefields. Convert records of the RDD people to Rows. Java. RDDlt Row row. RDD people. map. Functionlt String, Row. Row callString record throws Exception. String fields record. Row. Factory. createfields0, fields1. Apply the schema to the RDD. Data. Frame people. Data. Frame sql. Context. Data. Framerow. RDD, schema. Register the Data. Frame as a table. Data. Frame. register. Temp. Tablepeople. SQL can be run over RDDs that have been registered as tables. Data. Frame results sql. Context. sqlSELECT name FROM people. The results of SQL queries are Data. Frames and support all the normal RDD operations. The columns of a row in the result can be accessed by ordinal. Listlt String names results. RDD. mapnew Functionlt Row, String. String callRow row. Name row. get. String0. Data SourceSpark SQLData. FrameData. FrameRDDsData. FrameData. Hadoop Ecosystem Questions and Answers. This set of Hadoop Multiple Choice Questions Answers MCQs focuses on Hadoop Ecosystem. ETL processing and analysis of large datasets. Pig Latinb Ooziec Pigd Hive. View Answer. Answer c. Explanation Apache Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets that consists of a high level language for expressing data analysis programs. Point out the correct statement a Hive is not a relational database, but a query engine that supports the parts of SQL specific to querying datab Hive is a relational database with SQL supportc Pig is a relational database with SQL supportd All of the mentioned. View Answer. Answer a. Explanation Hive is a SQL based data warehouse system for Hadoop that facilitates data summarization, ad hoc queries, and the analysis of large datasets stored in Hadoop compatible file systems. Java behind a powerful and concise Clojure API for Cascading. Scaldingb HCatalogc Cascalogd All of the mentioned. View Answer. Answer c. Explanation Cascalog also adds Logic Programming concepts inspired by Datalog. Hence the name Cascalog is a contraction of Cascading and Datalog. Hive also support custom extensions written in a Cb Javac Cd CView Answer. Answer b. Explanation Hive also support custom extensions written in Java, including user defined functions UDFs and serializer deserializers for reading and optionally writing custom formats. Point out the wrong statement a Elastic Map. Reduce EMR is Facebooks packaged Hadoop offeringb Amazon Web Service Elastic Map. Reduce EMR is Amazons packaged Hadoop offeringc Scalding is a Scala API on top of Cascading that removes most Java boilerplated All of the mentioned. View Answer. Answer a. Explanation Rather than building Hadoop deployments manually on EC2 Elastic Compute Cloud clusters, users can spin up fully configured Hadoop installations using simple invocation commands, either through the AWS Web Console or through command line tools. Java API in Hadoop Ecosystema Scaldingb HCatalogc Cascalogd Cascading. View Answer. Answer d. Explanation Cascading hides many of the complexities of Map. Reduce programming behind more intuitive pipes and data flow abstractions. Mapreduceb Drillc Oozied None of the mentioned. View Answer. Answer a. Explanation Mapreduce provides a flexible and scalable foundation for analytics, from traditional reporting to leading edge machine learning algorithms. The Pig Latin scripting language is not only a higher level data flow language but also has operators similar to a SQLb JSONc XMLd All of the mentioned. View Answer. Answer a. Explanation Pig Latin, in essence, is designed to fill the gap between the declarative style of SQL and the low level procedural style of Map. Reduce. 9. jobs are optimized for scalability but not latency. Mapreduceb Drillc Oozied Hive. View Answer. Answer d. Explanation Hive Queries are translated to Map. Reduce jobs to exploit the scalability of Map. Reduce. 1. 0. is a framework for performing remote procedure calls and data serialization. Drillb Big. Topc Avrod Chukwa. View Answer. Answer c. Explanation In the context of Hadoop, Avro can be used to pass data from one program or language to another. Sanfoundry Global Education Learning Series Hadoop. Heres the list of Best Reference Books in Hadoop.