Boeing 777 Worldliner Professional X Plane

Boeing 7. 77 Wikipdia. Boeing 7. 77. Le Boeing 7. Rle. Avion de lignelong courrier. Constructeur. Boeingquipage. Premier vol. 12juin. Mise en service. 7juin. Retrait. Toujours en service. Premier client. United Airlines. Client principal. Emirates. Cot unitaire. ER2. 96 0. 00 0. LR3. ER3. 71 0. 00 0. X4. Commandes. 1 9. 112 Mai 2. An active community site containing a store, forum, a wide selection of downloads and game information including tutorials. Boeing/777/Paints/300-2/777-300_v10_6.jpg' alt='Boeing 777 Worldliner Professional X Plane Download' title='Boeing 777 Worldliner Professional X Plane Download' />Livraisons. Variantes. ER7. 77 3. ER7. 77 2. 00. LR7. F cargoDimensions. Longueur. 63,7 7. Navigraph AIRAC Cycle 1709 Active Sky 2016 for FSX as2016fsx1709. Active Sky 2016 for P3D as2016p3d1709. Aerosoft Airbus A318A319A320A321 as. The Boeing 777 is a family of longrange widebody twinengine jet airliners developed and manufactured by Boeing Commercial Airplanes. It is the worlds largest. Envergure. 60,9 6. Hauteur. 18,5 1. Aire alaire. Masse et capacit demport vide. Max. au dcollage. UqmM44EjM/0.jpg' alt='Boeing 777 Worldliner Professional X Plane 11' title='Boeing 777 Worldliner Professional X Plane 11' />Krosne. ER  1. 81 2. 80 LPassagers. Fret. 14 2. 4 t. Motorisation. Moteurs. General Electric GE9. B1. 15. BPousse unitaire. NPuissance unitaire. Plus de 1. 00 0. 00 k. W1. 36 0. 00 chPousse totale. NPuissance totale. Why did a lab in louisiana test what fell to the ground after a plane sprayed and it was found to contain 30 times the amount of baruim levels acceptablePlus de 2. W2. 72 0. 00 chPerformances. Vitesse de croisire maximale. Mach 0,8. 9Autonomie. Altitude de croisire. Rapport poussepoids. N par tonne 3. 00 ERmodifier Le Boeing 7. B7. 77, souvent surnomm triple sept dans le milieu arien, est un avion de ligne gros porteur, long courrier et biracteur construit par la socit Boeing. Entr en service en 1. Il est reconnaissable par le grand diamtre de ses turboracteurs GE9. Face la monte en puissance de la concurrence durant les annes 1. Boeing innova pour dvelopper cet appareil en tablissant un partenariat avec huit grandes compagnies ariennes et en concevant intgralement lavion par ordinateur. Lavionneur introduisit cette occasion des techniques de pointe  une voilure supercritique, des commandes de vol lectriques, et un pilotage assist par ordinateur. Boeing complta ainsi sa gamme en offrant une capacit intermdiaire entre le 7. En janvier 2. 01. En 2. 01. 3, il devient le gros porteur le plus vendu dans lhistoire de laviation. Le 7. 77 est connu pour tre un avion trs sr. Malgr le nombre davions en service, on ne dplore que quatre accidents majeurs. Deux ne mettent pas en cause lavion, et les deux autres proviennent de causes encore indtermines. Au dbut des annes 1. Boeing 7. 47, le Mc. Donnell Douglas DC 1. Lockheed L 1. 01. Tri. Star devinrent la premire gnration davions de ligne gros porteurs de lhistoire de laviation moderne entrer en service3. En 1. 97. 8, Boeing dvoila trois nouveaux projets  le biracteur 7. Airbus A3. 00 et le biracteur Boeing 7. DC 1. 0 et le L 1. Les appareils de taille moyenne 7. Organisation de laviation civile internationale OACI datant des annes 1. Extended range Twin engine Operation Performance Standards ETOPS qui rgule la circulation transocanique des avions biracteurs commerciaux7. Ce rglement autorise les biracteurs choisir une route les loignant dau maximum trois heures de leurs aroports de droutement durgence8. En vertu des rgles de lETOPS, les compagnies ariennes purent exploiter le B7. Boeing abandonna alors son projet de 7. Lavionneur se retrouva ainsi avec un segment vide dans sa gamme, en termes de capacit et de distance franchissable, entre le 7. ER et le 7. 47 4. DC 1. 0 et L 1. Trois constructeurs restaient en lice pour leur remplacement1. Mc. Donnell Douglas travaillait sur le MD 1. DC 1. 01. 1, tandis quAirbus dveloppait ses A3. A3. 401. 1. En 1. Boeing dvoila des propositions dune version agrandie du B7. X1. 2. Le projet initial comprenait un fuselage plus long que le 7. Des plans ultrieurs prvoyaient dagrandir la section du fuselage mais conservaient le cockpit du 7. Le projet du 7. 67 X ne suscita que peu denthousiasme auprs des compagnies ariennes qui demandaient une section de fuselage plus large, des amnagements intrieurs entirement configurables, un avion efficace tant en moyen courrier quen trs long courrier, et un cot dexploitation infrieur aux B7. Les exigences des compagnies ariennes pour des avions toujours plus gros engendrrent une concurrence accrue entre les constructeurs aronautiques1. En 1. 98. 8, Boeing comprit que la seule rponse possible tait un tout nouveau modle1. La socit opta pour un biracteur tant donn le succs pass de cette configuration et les volutions en cours des certifications ETOPS qui allaient autoriser ds la sortie de lappareil son survol des ocans. Elles allaient rendre plus coteuses en carburant et en maintenance des configurations tri et quadriracteurs conues autour des certifications prcdentes, telles lAirbus 3. Le 8dcembre. 19. Alors que Boeing tait rest jusque l sur des conceptions traditionnelles1. Airbus avait mis sur les techniques de pointe. Boeing perdait ainsi des parts de march et dcida donc dadopter ces techniques mais aussi de modifier fondamentalement ses mthodes de conception et de fabrication. La phase de conception du nouveau biracteur de Boeing fut diffrente de celles des modles antrieurs. En effet, pour la premire fois, huit compagnies ariennes majeures All Nippon Airways, American Airlines, British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Delta Air Lines, Japan Airlines, Qantas et United Airlines participrent la conception de lavion de ligne1. Ce fut une premire dans lhistoire de la construction davions civils qui jusqualors taient conus en ne prenant que trs peu en compte les remarques des clients. Ces huit compagnies furent nommes au sein de Boeing, le groupe  working togethernote 1 1. Lors de la premire runion du groupe en janvier 1. En mars 1. 99. 0, Boeing stait mis daccord avec elles sur un avion de section de la cabine proche de celle du 7. A3. 30 et au MD 1. Le 1. 4octobre. 19. United Airlines devint le client de lancement du 7. Pratt Whitney, dune valeur de 1. La phase de conception concidait avec le programme de remplacement des DC 1. United Airlines2. La compagnie spcifia que le 7. Chicago Hawa, Chicago Europe et Denver Hawa, un vol direct partir dun aroport en altitude, dans un milieu connaissant de fortes tempratures2. United considrait que la certification ETOPS2. Hawa1. 8. En janvier 1. United Airlines et dautres compagnies ariennes se runirent avec les concepteurs de Boeing lusine dEverett2. Les 2. 40 quipes de crateurs comptaient chacune jusqu 4. Elles abordrent alors 1 5. Le diamtre du fuselage fut augment sur demande de Cathay Pacific et le modle de base allong pour satisfaire All Nippon Airways  British Airways demanda que des tests de lappareil tels que des tests moteurs soient intgrs et rclama un amnagement intrieur flexible8 ainsi quune masse maximale plus leve pour le modle de base du 7. Le B7. 77 fut le premier avion commercial avoir t compltement conu sur ordinateur2. CAO CATIA de Dassault Systmes2. Ce logiciel permet de concevoir des pices en trois dimensions et de les assembler virtuellement. On peut ainsi sassurer du bon ajustement des milliers de pices de lappareil, dtecter les risques dinterfrences entre les composants et donc rduire le nombre et le cot des modifications2. Boeing dveloppa son propre systme de visualisation haute performance, Fly. Thru, renomm plus tard IVT pour Integrated Visualizaion Tool outil de visualisation intgr. Ce logiciel sert lchange des plans de conception pour des projets grande chelle, produire des illustrations et dautres donnes hors du champ de lingnierie2. Au dpart Boeing ntait pas convaincu des capacits de CATIA et construisit une maquette du nez de lavion afin de vrifier les rsultats obtenus par CAO. Les rsultats furent concluants et les autres maquettages furent annuls3. Boeing choisit dutiliser lusine dEverett dans ltat de Washington, lieu de production du 7. La production fut organise lchelle mondiale et atteignit un niveau qui ne fut dpass que par le Boeing 7. Pour sa sous traitance hors tats Unis, Boeing fit notamment appel Mitsubishi Heavy Industries et Kawasaki Heavy Industries pour les panneaux du fuselage3. Fuji Heavy Industries pour les parties centrales des ailes3. Chemtrail Aircraft Photos Contrail Science. Several planes look a little odd, or have attachments that look odd, and so some people feel they must be part of a decades long conspiracy to spray stuff into the atmosphere to alter the weather or reduce the population. Thats obviously nonsense, but what are these strange planesUpdate there are many other photos like the barrel interior below, Ive collected a lot of them on MetabunkHeres one making the rounds, scary looking barrels, and a sign on the wall that possibly says Hazmat insideWhat is it Its a Boeing 7. LR Worldliner, specifically its WD0. The original photo can be found here note the Hazmat text was added later. The barrels contain water, which is pumped around to shift the center of gravity to test various flight characteristics. Heres a description of a similar setup from the 2. Inside Boeing, Building the 7. From Boeings blog Remember, we test at the extremes of the weightCG envelope. This requires us to control the CG during ground and flight conditions. We can move weight, in the form of water, forward or aft with the use of the water ballast system. This system is comprised of 4. A computerized system tracks fuel placement, fuel burn, people placement, ballast, flap setting, landing gear position and water barrel quantity. The information is processed to display the airplanes current CG. We move water or specify fuel tank usage to configure the CG within the specified test requirements. Why are there overhead luggage compartments Its a test plane, and for FAA certification they have to demonstrate that everything works. That includes stuff like the emergency oxygen system, and more minor things like the luggage compartments. Its a requirement that they dont pop open in flight so that needs to be tested. They are also handy for stowing the engineers stuff. Heres some pictures from Boeing And a lot more photos can be found on Boeings site. This one gets a lot of use in the chemtrail forums Particularly because of the unusual collections of pipes sticking out in various places. Theres those two at the front, and then there is a group over the wing. Heres some close ups Very sinister looking tubes, but why are half of them facing the wrong way The plane is not for spraying the atmosphere, its for sampling the atmosphere. Its a research aircraft, registration N7. BN, operated by th e department of energys national labs. Its pretty much one of a kind, so its hardly likely to be responsible for all the persistent contrails we see every day. The research is mostly on pollutants in the atmosphere, particularly from coal and oil burning power plants. But they also investigate the properties of clouds, which includes contrails. Heres another photo you see in chemtrail videos, with the implied suggestion that its some kind of evil spraying device Actually it IS a spraying device, but quite innocuous. Its on an NKC 1. A 5. This used by the air force to test icing of planes in flight. Heres the original photo See also https www. Heres some more details nkc 1. This plane is quite interesting Its an E 6. B Tacamo. This photo shows it dumping fuel photo from tacamo. The E 6. B is used by the United States Strategic Command as an airborne communication center. You can see the navy logo on the right wing. The E 6. B is a modified version of the Boeing 7. This is what the wing tip ESMSATCOM pod looks like It looks like this odd assemblage is also creating some wingtip vortex contrails as well. The plane is pretty much all white, which is something you hear mentioned from time to time in chemtrail conspiracy theories. Heres another photo of the same plane, taken from a chemtrail You. Tube video It shows the opening and drogue  for the ELF trailing wire antenna. This is a very long wire antenna that is extended behind the plane for several hundred feet and used for communications with submarines. The drogue is just a cone shaped weight. Heres a close uphttp www. This plane also looks at first glance like it might be dumping fuel click image for full sized photo But the trails are actually coming from six smoke generators. It was part of a NASA test to study wake vortices, you can read about it here http www. GalleryPhotoB 7. HTMLECN 4. Six smoke generators were installed under the wings of the 7. The object of the experiments was to test different configurations and mechanical devices on the. Crack In My Windshield Motorcycle Honda there. The results of the tests could lead to shorter spacing between landings and takeoffs, which, in turn, could alleviate air traffic congestion. Heres another image of the same plane This plane also occasionally get brought up in chemtrail conspiracy groups This is obviously not a contrail, its far too low and the trail is dropping too rapidly. Its a Boeing 7. 47 1. Supertanker, modified by Evergreen Aviation, the only one of its kind. Specifically designed for fire fighthing. Thats it dumping water. Heres some more recent photos. Heres a video of it in action, titled B7. Its interesting reading the comments, as the first comment correctly identifies what it is, and then everyone else just ignores that and starts speculating. This one looks like a plane spraying stuff. But again its rather close to the ground. Its actually taking off with the assistance of rockets. Its not spraying, thats just rocket exhaust. This particular plane is a Boeing B 4. B, rocket assisted take off, April 1. An no, thats not a contrail in the sky behind it its rip in the photo. Click on it for a large version from Wikipedia. This one is used for cloud seeding. It does not actually spray anything but uses silver iodine flares that are either ejected, or burn in place. Its operated by the Sandy land Underground Water Conservation district of Plains, Texas, as part of their SOAR program. They have some more photos of similar equipment on their site. They are all small aircraft not capable of getting to the above 3. This next photo is also of silver iodine flares, fixed underneath at large plane. These also show up in chemtrail literature. They are sold by Weather Modification Inc, they make a range of weather modification equipment. About this one they say WMI racks for ejectable flares are mounted on the belly of the aircraft fuselage. Each rack holds 1. When fired, the pyrotechnic is ignited and ejected from the aircraft. In this configuration, the WMI Lear 3. A is equipped with four 1. Heres another, this time from North American Weather Consultants, Inc. About which they say This aircraft mounted cloud seeding generator is fixed in place, and can burn a silver iodide solution during flight. This one is the Mk. Arme de lAir Boeing C 1. FR Stratotanker 9. CC sn 6. 3 8. GRV 9. Its an in flight refueling system on a French Boeing C 1. FR Stratotanker, photographed in Canada, Feb 2. See http www. WebpagesNavigatorNewstankerflight2. The following is supposed to be a plane that has chemtrail aerosol nozzles over three of the engines. In reality, this plane N7. MQ is a Boeing 7. B. The engines are Pratt Whitney JT3. D 3 http www. Omega TankerBoeing 7. B1. 62. 28. 86MIt should be perfectly obvious that the nozzles are facing the wrong way to be spraying anything. They are actually turbocompressors, which are driven by engine bleed air, and are used to pressurize the interior of the plane. There are only three, as thats all you need. Heres a discussion http www.